Social Skills are an important part of functioning in a child's world
Learning these basic skills is essential to happiness in the home,
with friends, and learning in school.
Elevation Behavioral teaches these skills in a way that
even the smallest of children can understand.
This skill deficit is primarily responsible for many problem behaviors.
There are two parts to communication.
(1) listening and understanding and
(2) letting others know what they want/need.
When children learn to communicate,
most problem behavior significantly
reduces or disappears altogether.

Understanding Feelings
Being able to identify
their own feelings
and knowing socially appropriate ways
to express those feelings
helps children to understand themselves,
and make positive social connections
with others around them.

There are so many times our children need to wait.
Knowing how to wait and entertain themselves is an important skill,
whether at home, at school,
at church, in the car, in the store,
or while you're on the phone.

Sharing / Turn taking
Sharing and taking turns go hand in hand with waiting. This is a critical social skill for holding conversations, game play, learning, and friendship.
Motor skills
It's such a small thing, but those little muscles are an important part of their
growth and development.
They help a child to interact with others through both work and play!

Learning early can make the difference of a lifetime.
Connect with us to sign up for services to help your child learn these foundational skills, or to find out more about how we can help your child.